ou should use this section to help you understand exactly what financial help and support you can get. As a rule, the person you are taking care of will also get the welfare benefit as well. Find out what money you have entitlement to and see how it could make a significant difference – to both of you!
So, the question is:
Do you spend 35 hours or more per week giving care to someone who is already claiming welfare support? If so, you could be missing out on your rightful entitlement to benefits as a carer.
To simplify the benefit system for carers, there are three main types of benefits. The first is for individuals who are not in paid employment – otherwise called ‘earnings replacement benefits’.
There are other payments which help to pay for extra costs such as with disabilities or having a child. The third type are tax credits. These top up a low income if you are working (sometimes called means-tested benefits).
A List of Carer and Disability Benefits
Learn more about the Carer’s Allowance and the Employment Support Allowance (ESA) below. You will also find extra important information about the Disability Living Allowance and moving over to PIP.
As you might expect, this is a huge section to cover. So, for simplicity we have divided the information you need into three main categories:
- A list of allowances, benefits, and concessions available for the people that carers look after.
- A section that lists specific disability assistance for people who are disabled or suffer with poor health.
- Key information on help and financial support that carers can get through the social security system.
Note: Clicking on any of the page links will take you through to the relevant section to get further details.
1. Benefits, Allowances, and Concessions
Attendance Allowance
Having Attendance Allowance eligibility means you get the tax-free weekly benefit. It could help pay for your personal care if you are 65 or over with severe mental or physical disabilities.
Blind Person’s Allowance
What is allowance for blindness? The Blind Person’s Allowance allows ‘severely’ sighted people to earn more money before they start to pay Income Tax.
Coal Health Compensation Claims
There is a set procedure to claim compensation for coal workers pneumoconiosis. Find out how miners claims work and how to get compensation for health problems caused by mining.
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
The Employment and Support Allowance is a financial benefit given to those who cannot work. It can give personalised help for those who need special assistance at work.
Incapacity Benefit
Some people call it ‘being on sick pay’ or ‘on the sick’. But in simple terms, the Incapacity Benefit is for those with a disability or a sickness.
Income Support
Claimants of Income Support get an extra weekly payment. It is earnings related and helps those who are on low income – or no income at all.
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
A detailed section explaining everything about Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit. The guide includes current IIDB rates, eligibility, and how to claim the payments.
Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
The Personal Independence Payment helps with the costs of long term ill-health or disability. Review the updated help guide for the latest eligibility criteria and current PIP rates 2022.
Reduced Earnings Allowance (REA)
The Reduced Earnings Allowance support benefit is for those who cannot earn their potential. This may be due to an industrial injury or a disorder.
Universal Credit (UC)
The new Universal Credit benefit system is a single monthly payment. It merges and replaces several benefits or tax credits that you already claim.
Vaccine Damage Payment (VDPS)
The Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme is for disabled vaccine injury patients. Check if you qualify, how much you could get, and how to apply.
The complete list of benefits and allowances covers all the categories of social welfare. Check out your rights to financial benefits entitlement in the United Kingdom.
2. Guide for People with Disabilities
Access to Work Grant
The Access to Work grant provides helpful payments for practical support. It is for people with a health condition, a mental health condition, or a disability.
Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
Some changes to DLA for adults continue throughout 2022. The help guide explains everything you need to know about DLA for people over 16 (e.g. eligibility and rates).
Financial support is also available for children who are disabled or deaf. The DLA child rates and eligibility guide is for people who look after children with disabilities.
Disability Premium
Find out what Disability Premiums are and how to get the extra payment. Check the list for all current Disability Premium rates in 2022.
Disability Service Centre
The section explains how to contact the Disability Service Centre to get help. It became the new benefits helpline after the benefit enquiry line closed.
Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)
Most Local Authorities offer the DFG in England, Wales, and in Northern Ireland. A Disabled Facilities Grant helps cover the cost of making essential improvements to your home.
Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)
Higher education students may get extra money through DSAs. Check how to apply for a Disabled Students’ Allowance using the DSA1 form.
Financial Help for the Disabled
The government provide financial help if you are disabled or in poor health. Check out a list of disability and sickness benefits for adults and children with disabilities.
Help for Disabled Child
Children with disabilities present various challenges. But, some financial concessions are available for people who need help caring for a disabled child.
Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA)
UK Government continue phasing out the Severe Disablement Allowance. Check to see if moving from Severe Disablement Allowance to ESA will affect you.
Specialist Employability Support (SES)
The Specialist Employability Support programme focuses on special talents and abilities. SES helps people get ready for employment or to journey into self-employment.
What Happens If You Become Disabled?
A section explaining what to do if you become disabled. The information also explains your rights to disability and sickness benefits.
Work Choice
The Work Choice programme helps disabled people find employment and develop their career. Work Choice specialises in supporting people with disabilities who want to work.
3. Information and Financial Help for Carers
Some people need help claiming their welfare benefits. If you become an appointee for someone it means you have the legal right to act on their behalf.
Benefits Calculator
A benefits calculator helps you determine how much you can claim. You can also print or download the results from national and local government.
Carers’ Allowance
The UK Carers Allowance is an earnings replacement benefit. Check how much a carer can claim for taking care of someone who needs caring for.
Carers Credit
Caring for someone means you may qualify to claim Carer’s Credit rates. It is a weekly Class 3 NI tax credit used to fill gaps in your National Insurance record.
Carers UK
Do you need advice or support for yourself or the people you care for? Contact Carers UK online [], by email [[email protected]], or by telephone [0808 808 7777].
Care and Support
The ‘Care and Support‘ system is changing. But, remember you become an employer if you pay someone to care for you.
Independent Case Examiner
You can contact the Independent Case Examiner at the Government Office in Merseyside, if your case cannot be resolved.
Independent Living Fund (ILF)
The Independent Living Fund replacement has closed to new applications. It used to provide funds to help disabled people live an independent life.
Reporting Changes
Carers must report any changes in circumstances to HMRC. A change could be if you stop being a care person or start a job earning more than the weekly threshold.
Who Can Get a Blue Badge?
Check to see who can get a disabled parking badge automatically in England, Scotland, and Wales, and how the process differs in Northern Ireland.
Important: The Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care launched new gold and silver awards that recognise the exceptional efforts and practices carried out by the social care workforce.