CARERS ALLOWANCE: The scheme is one of the key welfare benefits for people who attend to the needs of others.
But, you must meet the eligibility criteria to qualify for Carer’s Allowance payments. To be eligible:
- You should be caring for the person for at least 35 hours per week.
- The person being cared for should already be receiving certain benefits.
The person you are caring for does not need to be a relative. Likewise, the carer does not need to live with them either. But, if you are caring for more than one person you do not get extra payments.
This help guide explains how to apply for the Carers Allowance online or by post. You can also use form DS700 to check how much money you get each week or each month.
Note: The extra money can affect certain benefits that you, and the person you care for, may receive. If your income goes over the Personal Allowance tax rates you may need to pay taxes on it.>
Carers Allowance Rates 2022
The Carers Allowance weekly rate 2022/23 is currently set at £67.60. The money gets paid into a secure bank, building society, or credit union account.
Carers Allowance Payment Dates 2022
In some cases, the scheme also allows for several different methods for getting paid on the payment day:
- Carers Allowance payment dates 2022 can be weekly and made in advance.
- You can choose to get one payment every four weeks.
- The Carers Allowance payment day can also be once every thirteen (13) weeks.
Receiving the Carer’s Allowance benefit means you also qualify for extra financial help. You can get a boost toward your State Pension each week with National Insurance credits.
While you still qualify as a carer you might also get:
- A Council Tax Reduction from your local council.
- Extra support from your local council (e.g. money to pay for things that make caring easier).
- Income Support if you get a low income.
- Pension Credit if you are above working age.
- Income-based Employment and Support Allowance if a medical condition or disability means you are unable to work.
UK Carers Allowance Eligibility Criteria
HMRC Carers Allowance criteria means the person you take care of must already be getting one of these welfare benefits:
- Armed Forces Independence Payment.
- The Attendance Allowance benefit.
- Constant Attendance Allowance at or above the normal maximum rate with an Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.
- Constant Attendance Allowance at the basic (full day) rate with a War Disablement Pension.
- Disability Living Allowance (can be either the middle or highest care rate).
- Personal Independence Payment (the PIP benefit must be the daily living component).
For the claimant to meet the UK Carers Allowance eligibility, all the following must apply:
- You must be age 16 or older and spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone.
- You have been in England, Scotland, or Wales for at least 2 of the last 3 years.
- This rule does not apply to a refugee or a person with humanitarian protection status.
- You usually live in England, Scotland or Wales. Exceptions apply for those who live abroad as a member of the armed forces.
- You cannot be in full-time education or studying for 21 hours a week (or more).
- You must not be subject to any immigration control measures.
Note: You still might get Carer’s Credit if you cannot claim for the Carers Allowance. You could also be eligible for claiming benefits abroad.
Carers Allowance and Working
Can you still work and be a carer and how much can you earn if you claim Carer’s Allowance?
- You can earn no more than £128 a week (after some expenses and taxes). Care costs and 50% of payments made into your pension get assessed when you apply.
Note: Carers Allowance rules are different in Northern Ireland. Special rules apply to those moving to, or already living in, other EEA countries or Switzerland.
Carers Allowance Effect on other Benefits
A claim for Carer’s Allowance affects welfare benefits for you and for anyone you take care of. The person who is receiving the care will no longer get:
- The extra ‘severe disability premium‘ paid on top of their benefits.
- The extra amount for a severe disability that gets paid with Pension Credit (if applicable).
- A reduced Council Tax (their local council will confirm if this affects them).
As a rule, being a carer for another person means your total benefit payments will usually go up (or stay the same). But, it may reduce some of the other benefits in some cases.
The government benefit cap limits the amount of welfare that most people can get between the ages of 16 and 64. But, getting the Carers Allowance payments does not count towards the benefits cap.
Carers must also contact the Tax Credits office if they get Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit. HMRC benefits calculator helps you work out how it affects your other benefits.
What Happens if You Become Disabled? A help guide on your rights for claiming disability benefits.
Tax Credits Helpline: Information explaining how to contact HMRC by telephone or in writing.
Claiming for Carers Allowance Payments
Before you make an online claim for Carer’s payment you will need to prepare some information. You will need your building society or bank details and National Insurance number. Make sure you have the date of birth and address of the person you care for.
They may ask you to provide some employment details. As a rule this includes work dates and how much you get paid. You might need to provide information on your course details if you are studying.
You can either apply to become a carer online or download the Carers Allowance form DS700. Fill it in and send it by post to the address written on form DS700.
Note: As a rule you can backdate your claim but only up to 3 months.
Reporting a Change in Circumstances
Once you have applied, or start claiming Carers Allowance payments, you must report any changes in your family or personal circumstances.
Some typical examples include:
- You take a break from caring for someone.
- You make a change of bank details.
- You start earning more than £128 a week.
- You decide to stop being a carer or you get a job.
Note: If the person you are caring for has died you must inform the DWP and use the Tell Us Once service.
Carers Allowance Break in Caring
Taking a Carers Allowance break is not usually a problem. But, there are a few important rules to follow. Spending less than 35 hours a week caring for the person gets ruled as a break.
For Example: You should still get Carers Allowance payments if either you or the person you are caring for:
- Go into respite care or hospital for up to twelve (12) weeks.
- Take a holiday for up to four (4) weeks.
Appeal a Decision or Make a Complaint
If you disagree with a decision you can appeal to the Social Security and Child Support Tribunal. But, there have been some procedural changes. In fact, you must now ask for ‘mandatory reconsideration‘ before you can make the appeal.
Complain to the Department for Work and Pensions if you are unhappy with the service they have given to you.
Carers and Disability Benefits: Categories about claiming for carer and disability benefit allowances.
When are Benefits Paid? The day of the week most welfare payments should have gone in the bank.
Christmas Bonus Benefits 2022: DWP Xmas bonus usually gets paid early in the month of December.
Vaccine Damage Payment: UK payment scheme for disabled vaccine injury patients.
Winter Fuel Payment 2022/23: UK winter heating allowance payments go out from November to March.
Lwfans Gofalwr: Information on the Carers Allowance benefit is also available in Welsh language.