The need for financial help to keep warm in the winter time is widespread.
This list of government help schemes focuses on the elderly or those who are ‘less mobile’.
As a rule, they tend to spend more time in their homes with a need for staying warm in the cold months.
The aim of these heating benefits and schemes is to provide help paying energy bills for those on a low income. The UK Government want to help people pay heating bills and keep their homes warm.
Find essential information about the Cold Weather Payment 2022. The next scheme is due to start in November. It will help the most vulnerable citizens get through the chilly winter period.
You can also get updated advice about the Winter Fuel Payment 2022. Check out the guidance notes on the Warm Discount Scheme offered by some energy suppliers.
As well as heating and housing benefits advice, this section also provides the latest guidance on how to apply for Council Tax Support. Find out if you qualify for a FREE TV licence or get it discounted (details below).
Heating and Household Energy Benefits
In fact, this is one of the bigger sections that we cover. So, for simplicity we divided the guidance notes into three main categories:
- A list of heating related benefits and allowances available for the most needy.
- A section listing the most common household energy schemes and grants.
- A help guide that provides essential information on where to get further advice and support.
Note: Clicking on any of the page links will take you through to the relevant section to get further details.
1. Heating Benefits
Cold Weather Payment (CWP)
Use the postcode calculator to check if your area is due a payment The help guide explains how to qualify for Cold Weather Payment 2022 and what you will receive.
National Concessionary Fuel Scheme
The page explains the details of the UK-wide National Concessionary Fuel Scheme. The NCFS provides free solid coal fuel allowance to ex-employees of National Coal Board and British Coal Corporation.
Warm Home Discount Scheme
Check to see if the Warm Home Discount Scheme can save you £140 off your winter electricity bill during the cold months. Read the guide to see if you qualify for the WHD scheme and how to claim.
Winter Fuel Payment
The Winter Fuel Payment 2022/23 helps older people pay their heating bills. Find out if you qualify for the £300 winter heating allowance this year.
YOUR RIGHTS TO BENEFITS: The full list of benefits and allowances covers all the categories of social welfare. Check your rights to get financial benefits and concessions in the United Kingdom.
2. Household Energy and Grants
Affordable Warmth Obligation
You might get help with energy-saving improvements from your energy supplier. Check out the Affordable Warmth Obligation eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Biomass Suppliers
Search online to find a registered supplier of biomass wood fuel. All the suppliers on the BSL list meet the Renewable Heat Incentive requirements.
Biomass Registration
Find out how to register on the biomass supplier list. Once you have registered you can supply sustainable wood fuel to customers who use the Renewable Heat Incentive.
Energy Grants
Learn where to find energy grants and other ways to improve energy efficiency. You can get financial help with new boilers, heating costs, and home insulation.
Feed-In Tariffs
The Feed-in Tariff scheme provides money for consumers who generate their own electricity. Find out how Feed-in Tariffs work and how to apply.
Green Deal
In fact, The Green Deal could help you save energy in your home or business. Find out how energy-saving improvements might also save you money.
Green Homes Grant
Homeowners and residential landlords can use the Green Homes Grant to reduce the cost of installing household energy efficient improvements.
Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)
Domestic RHI
The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive is a payment system. It rewards consumers who generate heat from renewable energy sources – instead of fossil fuels.
Non-Domestic RHI
The non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme can help businesses and public sector and non-profit organisations meet the cost of installing renewable heat technologies.
Note: Check to see if you qualify for Housing Benefit entitlement or Local Housing Allowance if you are getting a low income. It can pay all or part of your rent whether you are working or unemployed.
3. Extra Help and Support
FREE TV Licence
You can claim your free TV licence when you reach the age of 75. Check how to apply for a discount TV licence if you are blind or live in residential care.
Third Party Deductions
Benefits payments can be used to cover the cost of some bills, called Fuel Direct. Find out how to get help paying rent and services charges using third party deductions.
Note: Another help guide explains how to tell DWP a ‘Breathing Space’ has started or ended (e.g. when covered by the Debt Respite Scheme).
Warm Front Scheme
The Warm Front Scheme and the Warm Front Hotline have now closed. The section helps with equipment problems and information about other energy saving schemes.
Note: The government announced a further extension to the Energy Price Cap until the end of 2021. The scheme helps to shield the elderly and the most vulnerable against excessive prices.