THE GREEN DEAL: It helps people make energy-saving improvements to their home and find the best way of paying for them.
As a rule, some improvements will save more energy than others – it will depend on the property. But, typical areas for efficiency savings include:
- Heating
- Draught-proofing
- Insulation (e.g. solid wall, cavity wall, and loft insulation)
- Double glazing
- Renewable energy generation (e.g. solar panels, and heat pumps)
Check whether Your Property Could Benefit
There are several methods of checking if a property could get the benefit of having energy-saving improvements made. You can either:
- Contact one of the Green Deal assessors or providers.
- Check what is available to your situation using the energy grants calculator.
- Contact the Simple Energy Advice Service in England or Wales or Home Energy Scotland for people who are living in Scotland.
Simple Energy Advice Service
Telephone: 0800 444 202
Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm
Home Energy Scotland
Telephone: 0808 808 2282
Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm
Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Note: The Green deal energy saving home improvements service is not currently available in Northern Ireland.
Green Deal Quality Approved Mark
All Green Deal organizations must have authorization to operate. Authorized organisations will display the Green Deal quality approval mark (as shown).
You can also check with the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to confirm whether a Green Deal company is bona fide and genuine.
Home Improvements and Benefits
ASSESSMENT: The section explains how the Green Deal improvements can benefit your home. Find out how to get a Green Deal assessment of your property to use the scheme.
Having the Work Done
GET THE WORK DONE: Once you have the advice report, getting Green Deal work done is the next step. The method you choose will affect your payment options for the work.
Green Deal Finance Plan
HOW TO PAY: There are several ways to pay for the Green Deal such as paying in advance. You might qualify for a finance plan or use other schemes to fund the work.
Green Deal Funding Changes
GDHIF: The government has decided to stop funding the Green Deal Finance Company. The GDFC was set up to lend money to Green Deal providers.
The Green Deal Complaints Procedure
COMPLAINTS: The Green Deal complaint process depends on whether there is a loan linked to the electricity bill. Find out how to complain about the Green Deal and who to contact.