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Health and Safety News Stories

Safety News: New Whiplash Reforms Should Result in Lower Car Insurance Premiums for Motorists...

Hot off the press health and safety news articles from 2022. This section covers the latest rules headlines about health regulations and safety laws.

The latest stories come from the far north, through the midlands, and right down to the southern counties of the United Kingdom.

Our eager beavers cover all the most important health and safety stories.

Read news articles about those who ‘seriously’ breach occupational health and safety legislation.

There is even more to digest from the latest news articles and blogs.

Check out a selection of amusing workplace health and safety rules. Some of the funny write-ups cannot fail to mystify and bemuse.

Click any of the recent news headlines to read the full story. Or, scroll down to previous news features archived below if you prefer a trip down memory lane.

2020 Health and Safety News Articles (archived)

Government guidelines about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and what the public needs to do.

Stay at home

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home).
  • If you go out, stay at least two (2) metres (6ft) away from other people at all times.
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home.

Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can spread the virus even if you do not have symptoms.

Note: You can read more about what you can and cannot do during the coronavirus outbreak on the GOV.UK website. The latest rules headlines about health and safety regulations will continue as soon as possible.

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