Regulations of Rounders
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“Bat and Ball Rounders England Rules the Outdoor School Game”
Rounders competitions are often played in schools and recreational park areas around the United Kingdom. It is also a fun game for families to play with children – especially when the sun shines on a warm summer day.
The basic regulations for Rounders have evolved since the simple ‘bat-and-ball’ fun days played several centuries ago.
You might be wondering:
Anyone who is familiar with baseball rules, or the regulations in softball, will soon pick up the similarities in the rules for Rounders game.
Note: You should also find the fundamental rules and regulations in Rounders terminology useful and easy to understand.
Aim of the Game Rounders
The main objective in Rounders game rules is for two teams to compete against each other in striking and fielding techniques.
In simple terms, players from each team take turns hitting a hard ball with a Rounder bat (similar size ball to that used in tennis rules).
After striking the ball, batters will try to score runs by running around four (4) separate bases marked out on the field.
As a rule, a Rounders game will last for a period of two (2) full innings. The winning Rounders team will be the one that achieved most runs at the end of the game (see below).
A Brief History of Rounders
Rounder rules in England date back as long ago as 1744 during the Tudor times. The old game of Rounders rules originated when people started hitting a ball with a stick as a basic field sport activity.
The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) in Ireland drew up the first set of nationally formalised rules in 1884. Further associations became established in England and in Scotland a few years later, in 1889.
Rounders Equipment Regulations
The Playing Surface
Rounders regulation pitch dimensions vary in size. The playing area and dimensions in Rounders depend on whether you are playing professional Rounders at international level or for recreation.
As a rule, any open space with a square area around 50 metres will suffice. But, you should always make sure any facilities, and required boundary markings, are apparent and easily recognised by the players and participants.
Last time we checked:
Rounders England games set out a pitch with bases that are 12 metres (13 yards) apart. Another section explains England Rounders pitch markings with specific measurements and dimensions.
Pitches used for professional games must include four (4) posts, a pitching square, and a batters square.
While marking out a Rounders pitch in an anti-clockwise direction:
- The first post is twelve (12) metres from the Rounders batting square.
- The second is twelve (12) metres away from that – and the same with the third.
- The 4th post is 8.5 metres away from the last one.
The first three posts start a diamond formation. You should then locate the fourth on the baseline running straight down from the third.
Rules for Rounders Equipment
Batters use a truncheon shaped Rounders bat. The Rounder bat should have a smooth surface made of wood, plastic, or metal (e.g. aluminium).
Rounders bats usually have a rounded end and a long handle at the bottom for players to grip.
England Rounders regulations balls (and baseball balls) are most often white. Even so, you can play Rounders with a coloured ball.

Note: The equipment section lists Rounders bat dimensions along with the size and weight of the balls.
Players in a Rounders Team
A regulation Rounders team consists of nine (9) players on the field at any one time. But, the number of Rounders players may vary depending on the level of the match or competition.
Both teams must field the same number of players for elite competitions (minimum six and maximum 15). As a rule, each team should have the same number of batters and fielders.
But here’s the kicker:
A Rounders team should not include more than five (5) male players in mixed teams (combination of male and female players). Check the Rounders FAQ section for further facts and information.
Rounder rules allow the use of substitutes. But, rules in Rounders state the substitute must go in to bat in the same order as the player they are replacing.
What do Rounders Players Wear?
As a general rule, players do not have to wear any special kit to play the game as a recreational activity. So, wearing some comfortable clothing and a decent pair of training shoes should be all you need to join in.
Players may wear studded footwear, such as football boots, during wet conditions. England Rounders rules and regulations forbid the use of spiked footwear (e.g. track running shoes).
General Rules and Regulations of Rounders
How to Start a Game of Rounders?
The competition begins when the bowler delivers (bowls) the ball to the person who is batting for the other team. The batter will try to hit the ball into an area of the Rounders pitch that has few fielders.
After facing the delivery, the batter should run around the track and reach as many posts as possible. The aim is to reach one of the posts before fielders can return the ball and touch the marker that the batter is heading towards.
The batting team will score a half Rounder if one of their batters reaches the 2nd or the 3rd post in one hit of the ball.
Here’s the step-by-step process:
This list of general rules comes from the official Rounders rules PDF which regulates the most modern version of the game.
- The Rounders batting team must wait in the batsman’s area while waiting to go into bat. England Rounders batting rules suggest a waiting area located ten (10) metres behind the playing line.
- Two separate areas cater for the waiting batters and the batters who are already out of the game.
- Each batter faces one delivery at a time. They should try and get to the first post before they are given out.
- Players who breach one of the ‘out’ laws will be given as ‘out’ even if they reach the first post.
- Bowling from above shoulder, or below knee height, comes under the Rounders ‘no ball’ rule. Rounders bowling rules call for a no ball any time:
- A bowler (aka the feeder) fails to bowl it using an underarm technique.
- The ball bounces before reaching the batter.
- The bowl is too wide of the batter for them to hit the ball.
- The bowler’s foot is outside the pitching square marker.
- Batters will be given ‘out’ of the batting game, if:
- An opposing player catches the ball played.
- A foot is outside the batting square.
- You run inside any of the posts.
- You get stumped at a post before you reach it (must be running to that post).
- You overtake a fellow batsmen whilst running. (check out the Rounders FAQ section)
- You throw the bat or lose contact with the post before a bowled ball.
Note: We also simplified the 10 rules of Rounders in a section meant to help absolute beginners.
Batting and Fielding Regulations
- Batters should wait their turn in the backward area (a good distance from the 4th post).
- If they get called ‘out’ they should wait in the backward area (a good distance from the 1st post).
- The bowler should bowl one good ball to you (batters can use two hands to hit the ball).
- If you take a no ball, and run to the first post, the rules do not allow you to return to the 1st post.
Some of the rules for running around the track include:
- Batters must keep some contact with a post once they reach one (e.g. with a hand or the bat). Failing to have contact means any of the fielders can stump you out at the next post.
- The official rules and regulations do not force batters to move on to the next post every time a bowler bowls a ball.
- But, a batter cannot stay at the same post as another hitter from the same team. If it happens, the umpire will order the player who batted first to ‘run on’ (and could then be given ‘out’ in any of the usual ways).
- Thus, a situation could occur whereby both batters are between posts, with another coming towards them from behind. In this case, the overtaker would be called ‘out’.
Circumstances of when players in the batting team will be ‘out’ include:
- Running inside any of the posts (unless a fielder obstructs you).
- One of the fielders stumps the post you are running to.
- Overtaking in Rounders (e.g. running passed another batter anywhere around the track).
- Deliberately throwing or dropping the bat.
Note: The short video [2:58 seconds] explains some of the common match rules used in primary schools in England, United Kingdom.
Rounders Scoring System
To score one full point, the batter must hit the ball and run around the field to reach the 4th post before the bowler bowls the next ball.
The same scoring rules also apply if batters reach the fourth post after the delivery of a ‘no ball’ or for a backward hit (if the player reaches the last post).
Note: Batters in Rounders cannot get ‘caught out’ from the delivery of a ‘no ball’. In all of these examples, one Rounder equals one point scored for the team.
You score a half Rounder (½) if you get to the 4th post without hitting the ball (e.g. if you are not batting).
Rounder rules also award half Rounders for certain types of fouls and penalties, such as for:
- Obstruction in Rounders (e.g. caused by a fielder on the fielding team).
- Two (2) consecutive ‘no balls’ delivered by the pitcher to the same batter.
- The original batter reaching and touching the 2nd (or 3rd) post before the next bowl. You would lose this score if the run is continued and you get ‘put out’ before reaching the 4th marker.
Rounders Officials and Umpires
One bowling umpire and one batting umpire should officiate school Rounders rules UK. The Rounder officials also judge the integrity and general sportsmanship in the game.
Rounders officials rule on any breach of infractions and ensure the health and safety of Rounders players.
Note: Match umpires should also check the condition of all equipment for Rounders is consistent with the best possible order. Another section covers the details on clothing and uniforms worn by the officials.
Advanced Regulations in Rounders
Mastering the fundamental laws from Rounders official rulebooks gives you the edge. Check the PDF with a free download option to improve your game and become more competitive.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are you looking for some quick and simple answers to popular questions? The Rounders FAQ section is the place to find answers to common questions about the rules of the game.
Health and Safety Regulations
The governance of England Rounders health and safety rules takes place from Sheffield. They are the non-profit sport’s governing body (NGB) in the United Kingdom.
Equipment Used for the Game
The most basic Rounders equipment list should include a bat, a ball, and four post markers. Check out the minimum you need for recreational contests or for friendly games in park gardens.
Pitch Markings and Layout (+Diagram)
The guide explains how to mark out the correct Rounders pitch size and dimensions with extra details on the square layout for batters and bowlers.
Terms and Definitions Used in the Game
Browse through a list of Rounders terminology with 100s of terms and definitions used by players and by match officials (listed alphabetically from A to Z).
10 Simple Rules of Rounders
Do you need some help with the basic Rounders rules? Take a look at the top ten playing regulations and key match tactics for beginners.
How to Win a Game of Rounders
Winning a game of Rounders means your team has scored the most points at the end of a predetermined number of innings (usually two).
Note: Rounders game rules would award the victory to the team with the most Rounders (whole points) if the game ends in a tie.
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