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Child Benefit while in Prison (or Remand)

In most cases, people who get incarcerated can continue to claim Child Benefits. But, there are several key rules for claiming Child Benefit while in prison or on remand.

CHILD BENEFIT: You can still claim Child Benefit if you get imprisoned if either:

  • Your child is also inside a prison with you.
  • The child that you are claiming Child Benefit for is living with someone else and you pay an ‘equivalent’ sum to them.

You have the choice of transferring the Child Benefit payment the another person. That helps them to pay for the upkeep of the child.

Note: In some cases, the child may get cared for by the local council. If so, Child Benefit payments will stop after eight (8) weeks.

If Your Child is in Prison or On Remand

What if your child gets sentenced to prison or is kept on remand? In most cases such as this, your Child Benefit payments would stop after eight (8) weeks.

Note: You would receive Child Benefit arrears if the child gets cleared of the offence.

Caring for Someone Else’s Child

If you look after your partner’s child, or someone else’s, while they are in prison you may be able to claim:


Keeping in Touch with Someone in Prison | Check out the different methods of contacting a prisoner.

Prison Life and Time Behind Bars | Things to expect if you get sent to a prison in the United Kingdom.

How Prison or Being On Remand affects Child Benefit Claims in UK