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Claiming a Power of Attorney Refund

Did you pay application fees for an LPA or EPA (as a donor or attorney) between 2013 and 2017? If so, you may be able to claim a power of attorney refund.

This guide explains the process for getting refunds for application fees paid for lasting power of attorneys (LPAs) and enduring power of attorneys (EPAs).

Who Can Claim Power of Attorney Refunds?

If you applied to register a power of attorney between the 1st of April 2013 and the 31st of March 2017 you can get part of the application fee back.

The power of attorney application fee refund applies to both LPA and EPA. But, to make a claim, you must be (either):

  • An ‘attorney’ (appointed by the donor in an LPA or EPA)
  • The ‘donor’ (the person who made the power of attorney)

Important: You can only claim power of attorney refunds on power of attorneys made in England or Wales. The deadline for claiming a power of attorney refund is the 1st of February 2021.

Only the donor can receive the reimbursement. But, as an attorney appointed by a donor in an LPA or EPA to make decisions on their behalf, you would only need to make one claim per donor. This would apply even if the donor made several powers of attorney.

How Much Refund Can You Get?

The total amount you can get will depend on the actual date that you paid the application fees. But, you would only get half the refund amount if you paid a reduced fee (called a ‘remission’).

You do not need to be certain about the dates to claim refunds for application fees for lasting power of attorneys (LPAs) and enduring power of attorneys (EPAs). As a rule, you will also receive 0.5% interest on top.

  • Fees paid April to September 2013: £54 (refund for each power of attorney)
  • October 2013 to March 2014: £34
  • April 2014 to March 2015: £37
  • April 2015 to March 2016: £38
  • April 2016 to March 2017: £45

Note: What if you got appointed as a replacement attorney? In this case, you can only make a claim for a refund once you are ‘formally’ appointed as an attorney (i.e. empowered to make decisions on behalf of the donor).

How to Claim Refunds for Application Fees

The quickest way to claim a power of attorney refund is online (taking around ten minutes) or by phone. You are going to need:

  • United Kingdom bank account number and sort code of the donor.
  • A copy of the lasting power of attorney (LPA) (if you still have it).

Claiming Refunds by Telephone

You will not be able to claim online if the donor does not have a UK bank account, or you:

  • Are a court-appointed deputy for someone who previously had a registered LPA or EPA.
  • Have a trust organisation as the attorney.

Refunds Helpline
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0300 456 0300 (choose option 6)
Textphone: 0115 934 2778
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 10am to 5pm
Learn more about call charges

Note: You can also call or email the Refunds Helpline if you need further information or have difficulty claiming online.

After You Claimed a Refund

You should allow up to twelve (12) weeks for the processing of a claim. Once approved, the payment will go into the donor’s UK bank account. Contact the Refunds Hotline if you want to appeal a rejected claim.

What if the Donor is No Longer Living?

The claim can only be made by the executor of the will or administrator of the estate if the donor has died since. If so, the power of attorney (POA) Refunds Team would need photocopies of the (both):

  • Death certificate
  • Deceased person’s will or the grant of representation (e.g. a grant of probate or letters of administration)

It would also be important to include your name, physical address, and:

  • A contact number
  • An email address
  • The donor’s name and case reference number (if you know it)

You can either send the documents by email (see above) or by postal methods, to:

POA Refunds Team
7th Floor, Office of the Public Guardian
PO Box 16185
B2 2WH

Note: Once the power of attorney (POA) Refunds Team receive the documents, they would then contact you by telephone to complete the refund process.

How to Claim a Power of Attorney Refund in United Kingdom