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Vehicle Approval Accessibility Certificate Test

Most buses and coaches need Vehicle Approval Accessibility Certification for wheelchair use. The testing refers to wheelchair restraints, spacing, and boarding ramps or board lifts.

ACCESSIBILITY CERTIFICATE: Several rules define the Accessibility Certificate for buses or coaches. It applies to:

  • Those with authorisation to transport more than 22 passengers.
  • Scheduled or local services that transport passengers while charging separate fares for doing so.
  • Those first used as a Public Service Vehicle after 31st of December 2000.

As a rule, when manufactures first build a vehicle they will apply for the Accessibility Certificate. It usually takes place at the same time as they apply for the Certificate of Initial Fitness (COIF).

Converting a vehicle to a coach or a bus means it may need an Accessibility Certificate and test. Likewise, you would need an ACT if a manufacturer supplies a COIF without an Accessibility Certificate.

Providing no further alterations take place, the Vehicle Approval Accessibility Certificate is valid for its lifetime. Those that already have accessibility certification will have it checked as part of the yearly vehicle testing.

Choosing a DVSA Test Station

The Accessibility Certificate test inspections must take place at DVSA testing stations. Check the test station has approval to inspect your particular category of vehicle.

Make an application for Accessibility Certificate test by downloading and printing the PSVA1 / DVSA117 form. Fill in the PSV Accessibility Certificate form and then send it to:

Approvals Section
Padley Road

Vehicle Approval Accessibility Certificate Test Fees

Vehicle Approval Accessibility Certificate TestWheelchair use and general accessibility needs to meet a set of regulations. Each regulation set gets priced as a schedule.

  • Test for 1 Schedule: £51
  • Retest for 1 Schedule: £17
  • Test for 2 Schedules: £104
  • Retest for 2 Schedules: £36
  • Issuing a Duplicate Certificate: £13

Applying for Vehicle Type Approval

Vehicle manufacturers can apply for a PSV Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) certificate of type approval instead. Download and print the PSVA6 / DVSA860 form to apply for type approval. Fill in the form and send it to the Approvals Section at DVSA.

When a manufacturer supplies a vehicle with type approval to an operator they will also supply a Declaration of Conformity (DoC). The operator sends the Doc to the DVSA to apply for the Certification of Conformity (CoC).

The Individual Vehicle Approval inspection fee document shows the charges for type approval.

Accessibility Certificate Test in United Kingdom