NBL SHOWCASE: Badminton England announced there will be six franchises competing.
They will play to a changed format of abbreviated scoring. That should produce some exciting potential tie-break situations.
The new NBL league is a British league by status.
But, the six successful English franchises will purchase their respective eight badminton players from current international Olympians and Team England members on June 2nd by auction.
The National Badminton League season will have monthly matches from October until April. They will culminate in a top four team one-day knockout competition in June 2015.
National Badminton League English Teams
- Milton Keynes
- Loughborough Sport (University of Loughborough)
- UoN Badminton (University of Nottingham)
- Birmingham Lions (University of Birmingham)
- Team Derby (University of Derby)
- Surrey Smashers (University of Surrey)
Badminton England suggests the new badminton format aims to excite the fans and players even more.
There will be non-stop court action producing uninterrupted shorter matches. That will also achieve quicker points tallies.
The chief executive from Badminton England said the new rules and format should exhibit current star players. It should present true inspiration for junior badminton players coming into the sport.
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