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How to Report a Teacher for Misconduct

In England, you can find guidelines on how to complain about a teacher in the complaints procedure published at the school. The policy is a legal requirement.

This guide explains who can make a complaint, how to refer a case of teacher misconduct to the TRA, and what happens if you need to attend a hearing.

Steps for Making an Informal Complaint UK

You can report teacher misconduct ‘informally’ in the first instance, by:

  1. Discussing the issue with the child’s school or the college to try and find a solution to the problem.
  2. Contacting the board of governors at the school or the local council if you are unsatisfied or the complaint remains unresolved.

Contact the police if you believe a child is in immediate danger!

In fact, anyone can complain about a teacher and report improper behaviour to a school or a sixth-form college. But, you would need to supply some evidence of misconduct that supports your complaint.

Note: United Kingdom law on whistleblowing for employees would protect you against dismissal as a member of the teaching staff.

Making a Formal Complaint (England)

Employers (including employment or supply agencies) and members of the public must use the correct form to refer an allegation of serious misconduct by an educator in England.

So, what if you are not satisfied with the response after you made an informal complaint? Use the appropriate teacher misconduct referral form to file a formal complaint to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA).

The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) and the TRA produce further guidelines on how to refer cases of teacher misconduct. The guide contains information on:

  • What kind of cases about teacher misconduct can be referred.
  • Who can make a referral and in what circumstances.
  • How to make an official complaint about a schoolteacher or educator.

Note: Further reading explains how professional conduct hearing panels review teacher misconduct and how it may result in the prohibition of teachers (i.e. being banned from teaching).

How to Complain about a School

Some complaints will be about several teachers (e.g. the school is failing to meet its pupils’ education or welfare needs). In this case, you should complain about a school (or childminder) instead.

Note: The master section contains a list of topics covering schools and curriculum for the United Kingdom (e.g. the school leaving age).

After Making a Complaint

Once you have complained about a schoolteacher, the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) will inform you as to whether there will be an investigation or a hearing.

If so, you may need (or choose) to:

Making a Formal Complaint (Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland)

Some of the teacher misconduct reporting procedures differ outside of England. You can get further information by contacting:

ScProcedures for Reporting Teacher Misconduct in United Kingdom