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How to Make a Householder Appeal?

The primary purpose of householder appeals is to dispute or disagree with the refusal of planning permission on an application for the development of a residential property. The information in this help guide explains the process for appealing a householder planning decision made by a local planning authority (LPA) in the United Kingdom.

When Can You Make a Householder Appeal?

Having made a householder planning application, the LPA will decide whether to grant permission for the work – or not.

As a rule, the applicant will be able to make a householder appeal if there are grounds for disagreeing with the decision.

Appealing a householder planning decision is free of charge. But, the person who made the original application must make the appeal.

Important: Small projects (e.g. extensions, loft conversions) fall under householder planning applications. You must use a different process to appeal a planning decision for a full property development.

Deadline for Making an Appeal

The deadline for appealing a householder planning decision is twelve (12) weeks after the date recorded on the notice from the local planning authority.

You have less time to appeal an enforcement notice (e.g. if you make a change without planning permission). In this case, you would need to lodge an appeal within twenty eight (28) days of receiving the notice.

Note: The Planning Inspectorate produces further guidance about the latest average timescales for decisions on householder appeals.

Appealing a Planning Decision

You can appeal online, search for, or comment on a planning decision(s) or notice. In some cases, you may need to create an account with the Planning Inspectorate.

Documents Required for Appeals

The Planning Inspectorate will explain how to send a copy of the appeal (and relevant supporting documentation) to the local planning authority (e.g. at your local council). As a rule, documents will include (all):

  • Decision notice (from the local planning authority).
  • Original application.
  • Site ownership certificate (e.g. stating the current ownership details of the land).

Note: The main section has more advice and information about planning permissions and building regulations in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Commenting on Householder Appeals

Even though ‘interested parties’ cannot comment on a householder planning appeal, the LPA must notify people who commented on the original application (e.g. about the challenge).

Local planning authorities (LPA) must inform all interested parties within five (5) working days of the date when the Planning Inspectorate started the appeals process.

Note: You can read detailed guidance about making your views known (e.g. through virtual events held by the Planning Inspectorate).

Validating a Householder Appeal

Planning Inspectorates need to check all appeals for validity. But, once they have validated the dispute, they will inform the applicant of what happens next and how long the process is likely to take.

Applying for an Award of Costs

In some cases, you may be able to claim planning appeal costs (also called an ‘award of costs’). In simple terms, someone needs to have behaved ‘unreasonably’ for you to have grounds for a valid claim.

As a rule, getting an ‘award of costs’ will depend on whether someone’s mistake cost you money (e.g. missed a deadline).

The complaints procedures have no time limit. Thus, you can use the process for complaining about the way that the Planning Inspectorate handled your case.

Disputing an Appeals Decision

What if you believe the Planning Inspectorate made a legal mistake? In this case, you can challenge the decision in the High Court. It may be best to seek advice from a lawyer if you choose to pursue this option.

Related Help Guides

Note: This short video explains how to extend a home without having to get planning permission (also called permitted development).

How to Appeal a Householder Planning Decision in England and Wales