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How to Make a Complaint about a Bailiff

There are several reasons why you might want to complain about a bailiff's conduct. This page explains how to make a complaint about a bailiff in the United Kingdom.

COMPLAIN ABOUT BAILIFFS: Even though they have special bailiff powers your rights allow you to make a complaint.

What kind of bailiff conduct can you complain about? They must follow the rules when they collect debts.

So, you can make a complaint any time bailiffs:

  • Harass or use threatening behaviour towards you.
  • Make an attempt to break into your home.
  • Charge incorrect fees for their services.
  • Take away items which do not belong to you.

There are several different types of bailiffs operating in the United Kingdom. So, the procedures for making a complaint about a bailiff’s conduct varies. It will depend most on whether:

  • It is a private bailiff working for a private company. This can be a certificated enforcement agent or it may be a high court enforcement officer.
  • It is a county court or family court bailiff. It may also be a civilian enforcement officer working ‘directly’ for the court.

Complaining about a Private Bailiff

The majority of bailiffs work for private companies. But, many of them also collect debts for the government and for the council.

In the first instance you should complain to the company they work for or the people that you owe money to.

Making Complaints to Trade Organisations

In some case you may also be able make a direct complaint to the trade association that the bailiff works for. Check the details of the membership lists on the different websites of the trade associations.

The complaint should get made to the trade association if the bailiff is a registered member with them. Follow the specified complaints procedure stated on the association website.

You can complain about a high court enforcement officer by writing to:

Civil Enforcement Policy
Civil Law and Justice Division
Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France

How to Complain about a Court Bailiff

You can make a written complaint about a court bailiff or civilian enforcement officer. The new HMCTS complaints procedure replaces the EX343 leaflet if your complaint is about either:

  • A county court or family court bailiff.
  • A civilian enforcement officer.

Note: The government court finder service can help you find out where to send the complaint form.

Bailiff Complaints about their Conduct in the United Kingdom