Fire Detection and Warning System Rules
There must be a fire detection and a fire warning system in place and it must be in working condition.
Some business premises will need different types of fire detectors. As a rule, it depends on what type of building it is and the nature of the work carried out inside it.
Fire Fighting Equipment
There are many different types of equipment used to fight fires. The type you need will depend on the particular business or non-domestic premises.
All fire fighting equipment must be properly installed. It must be professionally tested and maintained on a regular basis. In some cases, you may need to train staff members how to use it.
Note: Health and safety appoints the ‘responsible person’ with the responsibility for workplace fire safety.
Maintenance and Regular Testing
You will have the responsibility of carrying out regular checks on the equipment to ensure that:
- All the fire alarm systems are working and the emergency lighting system works correctly.
- Any faults in the systems and equipment get recorded.
- All the escape routes are clear from hazards and the floor is in good condition.
- All fire escapes can open easily and automatic fire doors close correctly.
- Fire exit signs are installed and located in the correct place.
Fire Drills and Staff Training
Note: You need to train any new staff when they start work and inform all employees about any new fire risks.
As a rule, you should carry out at least one staff fire drill every year and keep a record of the results. You must keep the results as part of the fire safety evacuation plan.
Fire Safety Evacuation Plans
A fire safety and evacuation plan must show how or where there is:
- A clear passageway to all escape routes.
- Clearly marked escape routes that are as short and direct as possible.
- Enough exits and routes for all people to escape.
- Emergency doors that open easily.
- Emergency lighting where needed.
- Training for all employees to know and use the escape routes.
- A safe meeting or assembly point for staff.
Arrangements for People with Mobility Needs
Any evacuation plan should include special arrangements for people with mobility needs if there is a fire. An example would be ensuring that people will help wheelchair users get downstairs.
Note: Read further guidance for completing a fire safety risk assessment. It is for people who are responsible for providing a means of fire escape for disabled people.