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Foot Care Tips and Advice

We would need to walk around 25,000 miles to circumnavigate the Earth. Our feet have a rough time carrying us the equivalent of five times around the planet in an average lifetime.


10 basic fit and healthy foot care tips with essential feet hygiene rules for anyone playing indoor sports or activities. The feet battering is intensified for those who play sports on a regular basis.

Tips for Fitter Healthier Feet

Help is afoot! Pardon the pun but this helpful guide has been written to give you tips and advice on how to look after your sporty feet, whether you play indoor court sports or outdoor games.

The information on foot health for all sports is taken from the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists and intended to improve the general fitness and hygiene of your feet.

You should consult your doctor for professional treatment for any foot injuries or medical problems.

1. Proper Footwear

Always wear specific court trainers that fit correctly and are in good condition. This foot care tip applies to netball and all rigorous indoor court games.

Avoid wearing the same trainers every day when possible and always use the correct shoe for each sport and surface. Get in shape because being overweight or out of shape places added stress on the feet.

2. Breathable Shoes

Choose the best shoes and footwear made of natural materials to allow your feet to breathe. Airing your trainers before and after exercise helps to prevent a buildup of bacteria inside the shoe.

Foot Care Tips: Always condition yourself gradually with stretching exercises for fifteen to twenty minutes before starting any activity. Remember, warming down is as important as warming up. Wear only good-quality, well-fitting socks.

3. Absorbent Pads

Pad the balls of your feet with a highly absorbent cushioned dressing pad before exercising. Place the shiny surface facing the skin so that it absorbs any sweat and prevents friction. It is usually friction on the foot which causes blisters.

Note: Use zinc oxide tape or an adhesive dressing retention sheet called ‘Hypafix’ to stick the pad onto your foot.

4. Surgical Spirit

Rubbing a small amount of surgical spirit on the soles of your feet each morning of training or match days will help to toughen the skin.

5. Vaseline

Cover the soles of your feet with a little Vaseline prior to tough workouts.

6. Washing and Soaking

Regular washing and soaking of the feet is an important post training or match procedure. Washing removes sweat and then soaking for five minutes in warm water with a handful of Epsom Salts is the best way to refresh burning feet.

7. Dry Feet Thoroughly

Players should thoroughly dry both feet and in between the toes to prevent various fungal infections. Athletes’ foot is a fungal condition which affects players and umpires because of high heat and moisture around the toes for long periods.

A good tip is to change socks at half time and always wash socks regularly. Using a fabric conditioner helps to prevent hardening of the sock material.

8. Trim Toenails

As a rule, all sports players should keep their toenails trimmed. A useful tip is to cut them straight (not curved) to reduce the risk of ingrowing toenails.

9. Use a Foot File

When hard skin builds up on your feet it is often the result of your skin building up protection against the physical forces which your feet suffer. Using a special foot file will help smooth the roughness before it starts to produce painful deep blisters.

10. Changing Rooms

Try to avoid walking barefoot in changing rooms.

Minor Foot Injuries

As a general rule of thumb, rest is the best treatment for minor foot injuries. You should gradually return to exercise only after any pain or discomfort has completely gone.

Wash small cuts and cover with a clean dressing but it is generally best to leave blisters unopened when possible. Ice, compression, and elevation helps to treat most minor muscle sprains and strains.

Foot Care and Sports Advice for Netball Players