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Information Technology Rules

What is information technology? IT is the study of, or the use of, technological systems. As this section develops, we will explain how digital technology rules our lives - or does it?

IT LAWS: In particular, information technology (IT) deals with computers and telecommunications. IT devices store, send, and retrieve digital information.

We use IT to network and communicate media through computers and other physical devices.

This infrastructure means we can create, process, and exchange many forms of electronic data.

As a rule, we use information technology most in the theme of enterprise operations. Its true definition refers less to personal or entertainment technologies. IT in a commercial context encompasses telephony and computer technology.

The Harvard Business Review devised the term information technology. They wanted to make a distinction between purpose-built machines and general-purpose computing machines.

The IT industry evolved from the mid-20th century encompassing transistors and integrated circuits.

As the computing capability advanced the cost of energy consumption and devices fell dramatically. It is a cycle that empowers the modern world as new technologies continue to emerge.

Information Technology Guide

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The Digital Marketplace

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Information Technology; What is IT All About?