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UK Tax Rates and Personal Allowance

This guide explains Income Tax rates and Personal Allowances for citizens living in the United Kingdom. Additional information clarifies how tax bands and the current tax thresholds work.

CURRENT TAX ALLOWANCE: The basic rate payable in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland is 20% on taxable income up to £50,270.

In Scotland, the basic rate payable is also 20% on taxable income. But the upper threshold for the Scottish intermediate rate is £43,662.

The exact amount of Income Tax due in each tax year varies and it usually depends on:

  • How much you earn above the current Personal Allowance. This refers to the amount of income each individual can receive free of tax each year.
  • How much of the income falls within the current UK tax bands.

Even so, Income Tax laws apportion some of your earnings as a tax-free amount each tax year. The current tax year started from the 6th of April 2022 and runs through to the 5th of April of 2023.

Note: HMRC guide explaining more about the current Income Tax rates and Personal Allowances is also available in Welsh language (Cyfraddau Treth Incwm a Lwfansau Personol).

Tax Free Personal Allowance 2022/23

Each year the government set an amount of income that is not liable for tax. The standard Personal Allowance for the tax year 2022/23 is £12,570.

Personal Allowances can be bigger for some individuals and couples. For example, it will be higher if you claim the Blind Person Allowance or Marriage Allowance. But, it will be less if you have an income over £100,000.

Current UK PAYE Income Tax Rates and Bands

The current UK tax rates table shows how much you pay in each band based on a standard Personal Allowance of £12,500.

Income Tax Band Taxable Income Tax Percentage Rate
Standard Personal Allowance Up to £12,570 Non-taxpayer (0%)
Basic Rate Between £12,571 and £50,270 20%
Higher Rate Between £50,271 and £150,000 40%
Additional Rate £150,001 and above 45%

Note: There is no Personal Allowance on taxable income over £125,140. Different income tax band rules apply if you live in Scotland.

Employed or Receiving a Pension

When you check your Income Tax for the current year you will be able to see:

  • How much Personal Allowance you get and your tax code.
  • What tax you paid in the current tax year.
  • The amount of tax you are likely to pay for the remainder of the year.

Allowances for Savings and Dividends

As a rule tax-free allowances apply for both:

Note: Personal taxation is liable on any interest or share dividends above your current tax-free allowance.

There are other situations where you may also qualify for tax-free allowances, such as:

Note: Read further guidance to see if you qualify for tax-free allowances on property and trading income.

Income Tax Reliefs (paying less)

In some cases you may qualify to claim Income Tax reliefs. There are some automatic types of tax relief and there are others that you need to apply for.

Married Couple or Civil Partnership

Some married couples, and those in civil partnerships, can claim the Marriage Tax Allowance. This helps to reduce tax paid by your partner providing your income is lower than the standard Personal Allowance.

There is an alternative to claiming Marriage Allowance if you or your partner were born before the 6th of April 1935. You may get extra tax relief if you qualify to claim Married Couple’s Allowance instead.

Standard Personal Allowance in Previous Tax Years

The standard Personal Allowance was £12,570 during the tax year from 6th of April 2021 to 5th of April 2022.

Current Rates of Income Tax Taxable Income above Personal Allowance for Current Tax Year
Basic Rate 20% People with a standard Personal Allowance between £0 and £37,700 started paying 20% on income over £12,570
Higher Rate 40% People with a standard Personal Allowance between £37,701 and £150,000 started paying 40% on income over £50,270
Additional Rate 45% Income Above £150,000

Note: Personal Allowances would have been higher in some case and less if your income was over £100,000. HM Revenue and Customs publish historical tax rate tables for past tax years.

Income above £100,000

Personal Allowance will go down by £1 for every £2 if the adjusted net income is over £100,000. That means the allowance is zero for those with income from £125,140. In this case you should also fill in a Self Assessment tax return.

Register before the 5th of October in the tax year following when you had the income if you do not usually send in a tax return. HMRC will send you a letter informing you of the next steps after registration.

Income Tax Rates and Current Personal Allowances in United Kingdom